Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Week 13

So, I don’t really know anything about Hellboy… I know it exists, but that’s about it. Never read the comics or watched the film, or anything. So, after reading Savage Dragon and Wake the Devil, I have decided that… I prefer Savage Dragon. It felt pretty humorous, for what it’s worth. I mean, the idea of mecha Hitler’s brain being put into an ape is pretty ridiculous, and also being eaten alive by a giant kauji fish-creature thing and fighting undead pirates in its stomach was silly. Also, I enjoyed how action-driven the story was. A lot of punching, and a lot of explosions, just the way I like it!

Is Nazism a reoccurring theme in the series? Because there seemed to be a lot of Nazi stuff in it. 

A complaint I have about Wake the Devil was how confusing it was. The plot seemed all over the place and hard to follow in places like the beginning, where you would think it’d be well-established, but I found myself lost…maybe that’s just me. Also, the pages were very, very text-heavy, which I thought was very disorienting. So, you have these panels filled with text that doesn’t make that much sense to me. It was a very confusing experience, to say the least :( 

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