Sunday, March 19, 2017

Week 8

When it comes to comics, I'm personally not one for nonfiction. Nonfiction is not necessarily a bad thing, I'd just rather read something else as a getaway from reality.
Despite me feeling this way, I actually really enjoyed the March graphic novel. The civil rights movement was a very important way of progress in American history, but I don't really care about it, since I wasn't alive during that time and it doesn't affect me. The story took this history event that doesn't interest me, and made it so much more enjoyable. I have never heard of John Lewis before, but I must say, his story is very interesting.
I think what held my interest the most in this comic was the art style. Each page was so well-illustrated, in an almost cinematic way. The intricate detail and the use of intense values put so much life into the pictures. An observation that I made was that every time something really intense or dramatic was happening in a scene, such as when John was describing his poor experiences with the chickens, the where they get the phone call about the bombing, and when they attend a nonviolence gathering and are tested to react under stress. Each of this parts, and others alike, take an emotional toll on the main character, and the values used in the illustrations reflect this. While the pages throughout the comic have panels on white backgrounds, this has its panels on black backgrounds. This simple use of tone alone makes everything, even the narrative, seem a whole lot darker.

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